8-A, Zolochivska St., Kharkiv, UA-61177

Tel: +38 (057) 372-12-20

E-mail: au.gro.esicnn%40esicnn

National Scientific Center «Ноn. Prof. М.S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute»

8-A, Zolochivska St., Kharkiv, UA-61177

Tel: +38 (057) 372-12-20

E-mail: au.gro.esicnn%40esicnn

National Scientific Center «Ноn. Prof. М.S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute»


Applied Research Museum of National Scientific Center «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute»


The Museum is one of the sources of history where one can encounter the past, see the present, and glimpse into the future. Each museum exhibit is a unique source of information and a reflection of its era.
The Applied Research Museum of National Scientific Center «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute» is created with the purpose of scientific-educational and enlightening activities, popularizing information about the work of forensic experts and researchers of the Center.
Each exposition stand is dedicated to a certain aspect of the institution’s activities from its foundation to the present day. The museum contains exhibits that reflect some aspects of the expert, research and educational activities of NSC «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius FSI».
The exhibit includes the following thematic stands:Photo Zone: Bertillonage,Interactive Zone: Dactyloscopy,History of Foundation, Formation, and Development of NSC «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius FSI»,Forensic Gemology,Art Forensics,Handwriting Analysis,Forensic Lab Equipment,Currency Forensics,Cold Weapon Examination,Forensic Firearm Examination,Forensic Biology,Gifts for NSC «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius FSI»,Current State of International, Educational and Research Activities at NSC «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius FSI».
The Applied Research Museum staff interacts with other museums, scientific libraries, higher educational establishments and other research institutes of different Ukrainian cities and foreign countries.The museum collection is constantly enriched with new exhibits that diversify the exhibition and interest all visitors regardless of age, gender, social background and education.
The museum staff will give everyone an engaging and informative tour. We invite organized groups of scientific community representatives, forensic science institutes representatives, students of higher educational establishments, visitors from other institutions by pre-agreed written orders. The number of visitors in a group − no more than 10 people.
For inquiries regarding the organization of excursions, please call (057) 370-91-94. The work schedule of the Applied Research Museum is Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00AM-3:00PM.

Office-Museum of Emeritus Professor Mykola Serhiiovych Bokarius

Honored Professor Mykola Serhiiovych Bokarius is a renowned forensic medical worker, criminalist, founder of National Scientific Center«Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute».
The entire life of Mykola Serhiiovych is a noble path of a scientist, practitioner, and public figure, gaining him worldwide acclaim. His rich experimental heritage and significant fundamental works in the field of forensic science and criminalistics, along with a vast number of studies on material evidence, and active involvement in public organizations for educational purposes, are the distinguished achievements of M. S. Bokarius’s labor. In 1923, Mykola Serhiiovych initiated the establishment of the Kharkiv Office of Scientific and Forensic Examination, which in 1925 was reorganized into the Institute of Forensic Science Examinations. M. S. Bokarius became its first leader.
From 1923, M. S. Bokarius was the Chief State Forensic Expert of the USSR. He has conducted more than 5000 examinations of material evidence and over 3000 autopsies. At that very time, Mykola Serhiiovych supervised the Scientific-Technical Study of Criminal Investigation in Kharkiv and served as a consultant to the Main Directorate of Police and Investigation of the USSR.
For inquiries regarding the organization of excursions, please call (057) 370-91-94. The work schedule of the Office-Museum of Emeritus Professor Mykola Serhiiovych Bokarius is Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00AM-3:00PM.